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Notes from the trail:
Let us see the Good

Let us see the Good – The 45th Elizabeth River Run

Rarely do I get to experience our Elizabeth River Trail as a trail user anymore. Mostly when I’m on the trail, even for leisure, my mind is occupied by the work that still needs to be done. This area should be wider, does that sign point in the right direction?, those invasives need to be pulled, that trash can needs repaired; this is my internal monologue now when I’m on the trail. But, when I decided at the last minute to register for the Elizabeth River Run, (in the walking category!), I didn’t realize how it would change the way I interacted with the trail.

The ERT Foundation was the presenting sponsor of this year’s ERR and I had the special privilege of getting to speak at the start line on Old Dominion University’s campus, and signal the race start with a blow of the air horn. Participating in the count down, in the atmosphere of charged energy, alongside the elite runners, the groups of stroller warriors, the athletes, and the casual cruisers, I felt a new excitement as I took my place at the back of the corral.


I decided then and there to shut out the internal monologue of trail needs and see the ERT as my fellow ERR participants do. A beautiful, shady course with stunning views of the Elizabeth River. I would document the 6.2 mile course through photos and see it through different eyes. This is our Elizabeth River Trail, connecting neighborhoods, linking anchor institutions, bringing community together, highlighting some of the best Norfolk has to offer.

As I slowly made my way through the course, I took in every bit of good. The crepe myrtles still flowering on the first day of fall, the neighbors sitting on their porches and lining the median cheering us on while walking dogs and pushing strollers, the fog breaking off the Elizabeth River as the cranes from the shipyard made a pattern like constellations against the sky. The boats of the yacht club bobbed along as I crested the Hampton Blvd. bridge and all throughout our Norfolk Police officers keeping us safe, course marshals pointing the way, volunteers handing out water and words of encouragement. A network of volunteers in service to this tradition. I thanked everyone I saw for being there. Isn’t that why we do what we do? 

For you. For the community. As I crossed the finish line at the Port of Virginia, the after party well under way as a few of us straggled in, I felt a new sense of ownership in our trail. It’s here for us. We care for it. I’m committed to making it better. For the ERT Foundation, there’s not a finish line, just a constant need to improve, to reach more of our city.  Let us see the trail through the eyes of new users, let us see the good.


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